Fun Sports Meeting (4)
From:factory | Writer:Jack | Release time2023-07-24 | 445 Views: | Share:

40 Work together

4 players with equipment standing at the starting line, after the ruling, 4 players through the alternate two "bamboo rafts" to move forward. 

When all the "bamboo rafts" pass the finish line, the timing stops, and the ones with less time are ranked first.

41 Pillow Fight on a plank bridge

The players sit on a crossbar with pillows in their hands. 

After the referee gives the order, the players of both sides use pillows to fight, 

and touch the ground to any part of the other side's body within the specified time.

42 Super Hockey

Each team out of N players, holding the air model stick through the team cooperation to drive the ball into the opponent's goal, 

against PK5 minutes for a game.

The stars are all over the moon

Each of the five players holds the extension handle of the drum, while another player places the large ball. 

After the referee gives the order, start the two-way race 20M running in the middle of the ball, 

outside the finish line with another 6 team name change relay to return to the vertical plane where the equipment across the finish line is timed to stop, 

the less time wins.

44 people bridge relay

Four players are divided into two groups to move the two inflatable piers. 

The fifth player carries the inflatable bridge deck and is responsible for building the bridge and passing the bridge deck. 

After the game starts, the two piers are arranged in equal distance along the way. 

The timing ends when all 5 team members pass the vertical plane where the finish line is located, and the one with less time ranks first.

45 Bubble ball

Each team out a player, in a certain area through the collision of the opponent out of the circle to get a point, within the specified time, score more wins.

46 Budget wisely

Before the start of the game, two or more teams of players get ready, the referee randomly say a number or give a calculation problem, 

the players began to use inflatable arithmetic beads on the abacus to arrange the answer, the least time for the winner.

47 Steady to win

Each team has 3 players, respectively standing on both sides of the equipment, 

within the specified time, each team needs to successfully pass 3 ocean balls, and the team with the shortest time wins.

48 super Slam Dunk

Each team of 4 players, each of 3 opportunities, through the trampoline bounce dunk, 

the number of successful dunks per team accumulated points, the most points ranked first.

49 Four corners tug-of-war

Each team out 1-2 members, in the specified time to catch the ocean ball into the net more wins.

50 Fun Bomber

1, bomb throwing race relay: 6 team members stand in the bomber to carry a bomb starting point, 

to the end of the bomb frame into the bomb to return to the starting point, 

and then by the next 6 team members relay to start, into the second bomb return, 

and so on, the three bombs will be thrown and the first to return to the starting point of the team wins.

51 Inflatable Tetris

8-10 people are a team, send one team member at a time, and can only take one inflatable block, 

run from the starting point to the background wall 50 meters away from the race, 

put their blocks freely placed in the wall, and then return and high-five the next teammate, 

the next teammate starts with the same rules. The team that completes the puzzle first wins.

52 football Sudoku

From 3-5 meters away from the gas model, to shoot, each person three goals, the corresponding score in the kick accumulated more than 15 points to pass.

53 Jumpsuit warrior

The participants wear a pair of pants to stop running from the starting point to the finish line after the judge's order,

 or to stop running back to the starting point after less time.

54 Bonanza

6 team members stand behind the starting line with their feet on the outside of each side of the equipment. 

After the judge gives the order, the time will stop when the equipment used by each team touches the finish line, 

and the one with less time will be ranked first.

55 Dinosaur Cowboy

The players wearing props and holding REINS are ready after the starting line. 

After the referee gives the order, the players drive the "dinosaur" forward, and the time stops when they touch the finish line.

56 pressure board through

The athletes are located at the starting line. 

After the referee's order, they complete 10 solo jump ropes in the first challenge area of the fingerboard, 

then run to the second challenge area to do 5 push-ups, run to the third challenge area to hurl hurdles,

and finally run back to the starting point next to the fingerboard track with a balloon on the hip in the fourth challenge area, 

and then run back to the starting point with the next teammate. The last player runs back to the starting line and stops the time. 

Take less time, win.

57 Inflatable Bigfoot

Team members wear big boots, through the coordination of hands and feet to speed up the race equipment on the track, 

the race distance of N meters. The time stops when the equipment used by each participant touches the vertical plane of the finish line. 

The one with less time wins. You can also run a double relay.

58 Three-basket shot

Stand outside the set line and shoot the most basketballs to win the game.

59 inflatable shot

Stand outside the set line and shoot the most basketballs to win the game.

60 Throw a Frisbee

Frisbee throw - The player throws a Frisbee into the hole.

61 Pencil ferrule

For the allotted time, stand outside the line and place the pencil over it. 10 loops for one person.

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