Fun Sports Meeting (3)
From:factory | Writer:Jack | Release time2023-07-24 | 521 Views: | Share:

30 Lucky ball

Six participants stand behind the starting line with the equipment over their shoulders. 

After the referee gives the order, the team members can carry the competition equipment smoothly on the track through coordination. 

It is necessary to switch with 6 other relay members outside the finish line and return to the starting line.

31 A shoo-in

Four players hold the handle of the big racket, and one player places the big ball. 

After the referee gives the order, start from the starting point and run to the finish line while tossing the ball. 

The vertical plane where the equipment crosses the finish line will be timed to stop. 

The one with less time will be ranked first. The height of the ball must exceed the diameter of the ball.

32 dynamic five rings

Four team members control the direction and push equipment outside the fifth Ring road. 

After the judge gives the order, it will be pushed from outside the starting line to the end of the pile and then pushed back to the starting point, 

and the equipment will be timed to stop after all have passed the starting line. 

Those who take less time are ranked first.

33 Star Wars

4 participants stand behind the starting line with the equipment over their shoulders. 

After the referee gives the order, the team members make the competition equipment march on the track through coordination, 

and the one-way course is 30 meters. The clock stops when the body of any member of each team touches the finish line. 

Those who take less time are ranked first.

34 Pencil strongman

Four team members stand on both sides of the pencil at the starting line. 

After the referee gives the order, the team members turn over the pencil to move it on the track. 

The time stops when the equipment used by each team touches the finish line.

35 Magic brush Ma Liang

3-5 team members from the starting track end, 

using the holding pencil to write the specified text or arithmetic problem, the race distance is 20 meters.

36 Space rocket

Four people cooperate with each other to carry the rocket, two teams or more teams, 

start at the same time, rush to the end, in the prescribed distance, the first to reach the end of the team to win.

37 Power Shot

Players throw the ball 3 or 5 times in a row from the 5-meter line, and the score is calculated according to the total number of shots.

38 The final blow

The players took sledgehammers to blow up the balloons scattered on the ground within the specified time. The one with the most shots wins.

39 Air Archery

Each person experiences N times, can set their own rules.

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