Fun Sports meeting (2)
From:factory | Writer:Jack | Release time2023-07-24 | 463 Views: | Share:

20, 7 People whack-a-mole

Real Whack-a-mole game is a large game props, whack-a-mole can allow 7 people to interact with the game at the same time, 

standing in the center of the floor is the food guardian. The eight men standing in a circle around them are gophers.

The owner, armed with a hammer, defends his grain from the gophers. 

1. The gopher knocked down by the hammer must put down his corn and return to his burrow. 

2. Gophers can only take one corn at a time; 

3. The team whose gophers get the most corn or whose gophers get all the corn in the shortest time within the specified time period wins.

21 Football darts

In the designated area, each player has 3 penalty shots, and the one who hits the target with the highest score wins.

22 spot shot

The soccer goal is divided into nine small goals; Players face the goal and place the ball on the serving point (8 meters away from the goal) for a spot shot. 

The small goal scored is awarded the corresponding points, the missed goal is awarded 0 points, 5 goals for each person, the sum of 5 points. 

The total score is equal, and the first effective result is the winner, and so on.

23 Fun Football

Football shooting game, custom rules.

24 Inflatable foosball

The game is divided into two teams of red and blue, each team of 4 people, 1 person goalkeeping, 

together to blow the ball into the opposing goal, score a goal for 1 point, the specified time to score more goals to win.

25 ,The tortoise and the hare race

Before the start of the game, each prop standing five players, located in the starting line, after the referee ordered, 

the collective forward to complete the prescribed distance, the fastest prop across the finish line wins.

26 Times the Great ship

Equipment is placed behind the starting line before the start of the race. 

Two players stand in the equipment, and two male players control the direction on both sides. 

The one-way course is 30 meters. After the referee gives the order, 

the four team members will make the competition equipment march on the track through cooperation, 

and the time will stop when all the equipment passes the finish line. 

If the person inside the equipment falls out of the equipment, start again from the starting point.

27 Roll on

Two players hold the ball and sit in the middle of the platform (or crawl on the mattress), 

while the rest of the team collaboratively rolls the platform forward on top of the wheels. Those who take less time are ranked higher.

28 Tank Battle

One team member sits in the middle of the platform (or on a mattress), 

and the other team members work together to roll the platform forward on top of the wheels. Those who take less time are ranked higher.

29 Inflated thermometer

Multiple players put ocean balls into the thermometer, and the one who puts in the most ocean balls in the same time wins.

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